mardi 12 mai 2020

Wonderful memories of climbing with really great mates over the years Number 20.

I first met Harold Walmsley at Gogarth, in 1979 with Gavin and Tom. That day I climbed "Syringe", with Harold's' mate Colin Crazy Horse Jones. It felt like a major step, doing such a big route on the Main Cliff. Next weekend Harold and Crazy Horse joined Elaine, Tom, Gavin, Leigh McGinley and I in Cornwall. That was the first of many happy trips to the south west.

One memorable day in 1983, we went to the Pass with Pete Chadwick. Harold did "Stroll On", then we plodded up to the Cromlech, where I had a score to settle with "Lord of the Flies". (I'd backed off the start a couple of days previously, after doing "True Grip", and after being psyched out by seeing Paul Craven fall off it, only to be gutted to watch Jerry Peel walk up it after my act of cowardice).

Harold and I even climbed at Malham a few times ("Yosemite Wall" and "Gorgon Direct" in 1985).

Glad to say, it appears that he's still as keen as ever, he's been putting up loads of routes in the slate quarries in recent years.
Harold Walmsley belaying me on "Yosemite Wall" at Malham in 1985. Photo by Elaine Owen.

Two photos (by Pete Chadwick) of Harold Walmsley leading "Stroll On" in 1983 (the same day I led "Lord of the Flies").

The successful lead of "Lord of the Flies" in 1983. Photo by Pete Chadwick.

Near the top of "Yosemite Wall" at Malham, belayed by Harold Walmsley in 1985. Photo by Elaine Owen.

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