jeudi 24 mai 2012

I'd forgotten that I'd set up this blog last year, perhaps because I hadn't had anything interesting to put in it. Perhaps not.

We haven't seemed to do a lot of climbing in the last year, not like we used to do. We spend too much time looking at the weather forecast and staying at home, if there is any hint of rain! We should bite the bullit and get away in the camper van more often.

Since early April, I have had to put up with a numb lower lip, teeth and chin on the left side of my face. This is because the dentist cut the mandibular nerve when re-doing a root canal (as I had an infection in a root). I usually see Helen in Cagnes sur Mer, but she is always booked up, so I saw her associate instead. I have had to have an operation in my mouth to try and sort out the problem. The op was successful. However, the nerve is unlikely to regenerate and I am slowly getting used to the lack of feeling. As a result, I am missing 2 crowns and a bridge and feeling very self conscious when opening my mouth. Eating is no longer a pleasure, as I often bite myself (at least I don't feel it!) and I can't talk for long as my mouth hasn't fully healed inside. We have a GAV insurance, which should enable me to gain some compensation.

On Tuesday, we went to see Coldplay in Nice. The rain stopped at last and it was a fantastic gig with amazing special effects. Everybody had a magic coloured bracelet that lit up. We got home way after 2am as the roads were jammed solid. I'm hoping that I can attach some photos to this......

We have been out a few times recently; a day bouldering at Annot, la grotte at La Brigue and some days in the gorge. This afternoon, I'm meeting up with some friends at Mesa Verde, which is hopefully dry. We'll see.